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How to Audition for the In the Heights Movie

Here’s your chance to be a part of the carnaval del barrio.

In_The_Heights_Kennedy_Center_Production_Photo_2018_Anthony Ramos_Photo by Teresa Wood_HR.jpg
Anthony Ramos Teresa Wood

The big screen adaptation of In the Heights is holding a worldwide digital casting search for young talent to help bring Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes’ Tony-winning musical to the big screen.

Warner Bros. is accepting submissions via Cast It Talent through November 7. Those who wish to audition are instructed to choose from one of four packets of sides and perform a provided scene and song on camera. Applicants are encouraged to be familiar with speaking Spanish.

While the sides contain lines for Nina, Daniela, Usnavi, and Sonny, these are not necessarily the roles that performers will be considered for.

The film, directed by Jon M. Chu, is expected to begin production in early summer 2019. A release date is set for June 26, 2020.

As recently announced, Hamilton alum Anthony Ramos, who can currently be seen in A Star Is Born, has been tapped to play Usnavi—the part originally played by Miranda himself—who introduces audiences to the Washington Heights community and its array of characters. Ramos previously played the role in a concert presentation at Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center.

Author: Webmaster