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Do NOT come to NMI’s Holiday Party! (Here’s why….)

On, no, after several blissful years of horrible Zoom parties, the last thing you want is to attend a party in person, right?

So we’re giving you a chance to celebrate the holidays with New Musicals Inc. by NOT attending our 4th annual non-event on Saturday, December 16th.

Don’t show up; we won’t be here, either in person, or online. You’ll have the evening to yourself AND you get to support new musicals! But you HAVE to make a reservation in order NOT to attend.

Just think of what you’ll miss this year. No e-ppetizers; no e-ggnog; no Silent Night auctions; no having to listen to Scott sing cynical Christmas songs. Best of all, tell everyone, “So sorry, I can’t make your event because I’m not attending an event at NMI that evening.”

Here’s the one catch. You have to make a reservation. You can’t just plain stay away…you have to be able to prove you’ve stayed away. Everyone stays home. No expenses for catering, decorations, drinks, or entertainment. Which means that all of the money you give will go to New Musicals Inc. Because of this, your gift is 100% tax-deductible. (FEIN # 01-0745909).

Don’t join us on December 16th. It will be lovely not to see you.

You’re welcome.

Scott, Elise, John, Catie, and the staff and Board of Directors
New Musicals Inc.

You have a few different options for what you can NOT do on December 16 - depending on how much you’re willing to spend to avoid the stuff we’re offering.

For $40, you can simply NOT ATTEND the event.

For a mere $75, you will be sent a link that you can studiously avoid - lest you be forced to listen to the inimitable Edna Fervor (aka Elise Dewsberry) singing Christmas Carols - including all the verses that you’re going to wish you could un-hear.

And $100 is nothing at all to ensure that you receive a link to not avoid not only Edna Fervor’s Christmas Carols, but also an excruciatingly never-ending loop of the Last Folksinger singing his inexplicable version of “A Partridge in a Gear Box”.

Click below to choose what you DON’T do on December 16th!

Choose how to NOT participate:

Don’t watch this video. 

Just revel in all the holiday videos like this one which we have SPARED you.  You’re welcome.


Want to donate some other amount? Click below to choose your amount!

New Musicals Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation (FEIN #01-0745909), so your donation via this page is entirely tax-deductible.

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