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resource center

a repository of lists and info for muscal theatre writers

nmi format store

check out our format guidelines 

resource center

Looking for places to submit your new musical, potential collaborators or performers, or other resources?

The Musical Theatre Writers’ Resource Center at NMI has lists of contests and producers and lots of videos full of advice in different areas of the craft. Also check out our online store where you can find our tips on professional script formatting.

Browse it ALL for FREE!


The CONTESTS page lists various musical theatre related contests, festivals, and other submission opportunities.

insider tips and advice

The INSIDER TIPS AND ADVICE page features lots of FREE videos from the NMI staff on many different musical theatre related topics.

theatres and producers

The THEATRES AND PRODUCERS page lists various theatres across the country as well as their publicized submission opportunities - including info on whether or not they accept musicals, children’s or edgy material; and special interest tags like “women” or “LGBT” or “solo shows”.

library of ideas

The LIBRARY OF IDEAS page lists various story ideas from source material in the public domain. These ideas are categorized by genre and other categories, and the listings include excerpts or even the full text for your perusal.

glossary of terms

The GLOSSARY OF TERMS page is a fabulous resource of musical theatre related terms with corresponding definitions and examples.

and more...

The Musical Theatre Writers’ Resource Center also incudes access to online musicals and interviews; useful musical theatre-related links; and even random musical theatre related facts, pictures, and lyrics - just for fun!

The world premiere of When Butter Churns to Gold; developed at NMI and produced by Northern Sky Theatre (featured in our listing of theatres)

nmi format store

Our NMI Format Store offers Format Guidelines that contain descriptions and examples of formatting for scripts and scores for musical theatre. There are several “standard” formats out there. ANMT’s standards are based on the very traditional guidelines formulated by Samuel French. A manuscript prepared according to these guidelines will look professional when you submit it to producers and theatres. We do not recommend using the musical theatre templates which come with various word processing software, as they tend to be incomplete and flag the user as not-professional.

The “Basic” guidelines have all the information you need, presented in a 13-page document. We have 140-page “Illustrated and Explained” version as well, with an additional 50-some pages of illustrations of script and score layout, which also includes tips and samples for preparing an integrated script/score for rehearsals (different from the separate script and score you’d send to a producer.

We also offer a step-by-step, keystroke-by-keystroke hands-on webinar which will guide you through templates and macros to format a musical theatre script according to the professional standards set in ANMT’s 80-page style guide Format Guidelines for Musical Theatre Scripts. You’ll be up and running in just over an hour, with hours and hours of time-saving macros and formatting perfection. Includes an 18-page handout, recording all the keystrokes for future reference, as well as a Word template for Broadway musical theatre.

Members of the Academy Repertory Company presenting a GOT MUSICAL concert.