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Ten-second musicals!

That’s right.  A storyline with a beginning, middle, and end — all in TEN SECONDS.

They’ll show up on this page as we release them (one every couple of days throughout the summer, so check back often).

Join our mailing list and we’ll send you alerts.

"Love is Explosive"

"Moby Dick"

"Surf's Up"

"My Overlord, My Lover"

"The Jig's Up!"

"DaVinci in Love"

"We All Scream"

"The Curl"

"The Flight of the Fairy"

"The View"

"Giant Dance"

"Life's a Circus"

"The Newborn"

"I Caught the Car!"

"The Pearl Fisher"

"A Snowball's Chance"

"A Taste of Love"

"I Caught the Car!"

"The Pearl Fisher"

"A Snowball's Chance"

"A Taste of Love"

"My Little Swimmer"

"Love Clucks"

"E=mc What's With My Mustache?

"Wicked!" (It's not what you think)