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Another Risk-Free Musical This Summer!

Just like last year, we at ANMT are producing a musical for performance in North Hollywood - but this year we’re doing it at almost ten times the scale! There will be a live band, a bigger theatre, more elaborate scenery, costumes and lights; and of course the budget is much bigger. Obviously, the stakes are way higher this time around…

Now, you’re probably asking yourself – who in their right mind would produce a brand-new musical in today’s economy? In Los Angeles? In the summer…!? Well, simple answer: someone who saw a 156% return on their dollar last year using the same business plan (aka us!) Now we’re trying to repeat our success.

As our Executive Director Scott Guy says, it’s all about pre-sales. Last year, we reached out to our members, friends, and fan base and requested everyone to buy tickets in advance for the workshop production of 40 is the New 15. Guy insisted that the Academy would not commit to production until pre-sales equaled the entire budget, from opening night to closing night, every single dollar. It took a massive email and telephone campaign, but we did it: we raised the entire budget by selling tickets in advance…and so, we were able to produce 100% risk-free, and the show went on to become a big summer hit. It’s received a lot of attention, even garnering a 2010 GLAAD Media Award nomination, and being selected by Stephen Schwartz for the ASCAP/Disney Musical Theatre Workshop at the Disney Studios in February.

This larger production of 40 is the New 15 is scheduled to open on July 16th and run through August 22nd at the NoHo Arts Center in North Hollywood. A show described by critics as “a diamond in the rough” and “sweetly entertaining”, it follows the lives of five 40-year-olds looking back to when they were 15 looking forward to being 40.

We’re looking for $15,000 in pre-sales by April 15th (with the option of exchanging tickets for different dates, in case your schedule changes!). If you want to be part of musical history by supporting a brand new musical, visit our website www.anmt.org for reservations and additional information.

Scott Guy
Author: Scott Guy

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Under Scott's tenure, the Academy has developed over 100 musicals for producers across the country, and over 200 independent musicals by ANMT writers. Scott has produced several ANMT musical theatre festivals and multiple seasons of concert readings and concerts. Scott's current and recent writing projects include: a musical with Placido Domingo, Jr., script consultancy with Disney for a Pirates of the Caribbean musical; book of Manson's Girls; and book/lyrics for Der FrankLloydWrightenlieder. SPAM: a song cycle will receive its world premiere at Boston Metro Opera next year. Television credits: Six Emmy nominations, and over 100 produced television scripts for Warner Bros., FOX-TV, Disney, Discovery Channel, PBS, etc. www.scottguy.biz.

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