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Format Guidelines – Basic


Guidelines for formatting musical theatre scripts and scores for submission to producers and theatres. (13 pages). Click to view an excerpt.


In this document you will find description and examples of formatting for scripts and scores for musical theatre. There are several “standard” formats out there. ANMT’s standards are based on the very traditional guidelines formulated by Samuel French. A manuscript prepared according to these guidelines will look professional when you submit it to producers and theatres. We do not recommend using the musical theatre templates which come with various word processing software, as they tend to be incomplete and flag the user as not-professional.

The “Basic” guidelines have all the information you need, presented in a 13-page document. We have 140-page “Illustrated and Explained” version as well, with an additional 50-some pages of illustrations of script and score layout, which also includes tips and samples for preparing an integrated script/score for rehearsals (different from the separate script and score you’d send to a producer).

Here is a sample excerpt: Format Guidelines excerpt