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Write a Children’s Musical

Instructor: Catie O’Donnell Heckel
Course Type: ONLINE
Maximum of 5 participants/teams

Objectives: Write a 30-40 minute musical geared toward grade school aged children to be performed in an educational setting. Suggestions for topics will be given by Musical Theatre West, a theater company that produces shows in schools.

Class 1- Choosing a topic
Class 2- Outline draft
Class 3- Outline due, work on scenes
Class 4- First 1/2 of book due, peer review and songspotting
Class 5- Second 1/2 of book due, peer review and songspotting
Class 6- First 1/2 of show with songs due, peer review
Class 7- Second 1/2 of show with song due, peer review
Class 8- Full shows due- showcase


Wednesday evenings (Feb. 28; Mar 6/13/20; Apr 3/10/17/24 - no class March 27) / 6:30pm-9:30pm PST / $500 per team

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