avoiding feedback about: your THEME
Here is my first official chat: on the subject of the THEME of your musical. Enjoy!
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Here is my first official chat: on the subject of the THEME of your musical. Enjoy!
Our featured video this week is an interview with TIM KASHANI and PAMELA WINSLOW KASHANI, the master-minds behind Apples and Oranges Studios, producers of the Tony award winning musical An American in Paris (among many others!). Apples and Oranges Studios combines the team’s diverse involvement in the entertainment industry with experience in the tech start-up and enterprise IT worlds to develop and produce new musicals in cutting-edge ways. Utilizing revolutionary tools and complex data analysis to build audiences and drive business, Apples and Oranges Studios endeavors to tell compelling stories with strong commercial viability. View the interview on NMI’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/anmtTV